nothing design group: smart phone note

'smart phone note' by nothing design group
'smart phone note,' by korean designer jin-woog koo of nothing design group,
combines the multimodal utility of the iPhone with the time-tested ease of traditional note-taking.
hailing itself a 'notebook for the post-digital generation,'
the product provides iPhone storage together with a paper notebook
for ease of portability in the many situations that might require both objects.

the iPhone is secured in place above a traditional notepad
accessible through the front cover, the iPhone can be used even when the notebook is closed.
when it is open, phones can be placed either horizontally or vertically in the foam insert;
the headphone jack is easily accessible in either configuration.

detail view of front of case
if the phone is removed from the device, the pocket can be used to securely store earbuds.

the foam insert can store earpieces when the iPhone is not in place

iPhones can be inserted vertically or horizontally

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