1. ZOË SALDANA (The Losers)
After dual breakout sci-fi roles in last year's
Star Trek and
Avatar, Saldana segued right into playing Hot Chick With Bazooka in
The Losers. She might've spent most of 2010 in supporting roles, but
that Calvin Klein commercial was all her... and not much else. Not bad for the third lead from
Crossroads! —
Darren Franich
2. ANNE HATHAWAY (Love & Other Drugs)
Between supporting roles in
Alice in Wonderland and
Valentine's Day, it was already a big year for Hathaway before she disrobed with Jake Gyllenhaal in
Love & Other Drugs for some of the most raw and passionate sex scenes in a Hollywood movie this year. —
3. MILA KUNIS (Black Swan)
That '70s Show,
That Shmeventies Show. In
Black Swan, Mila Kunis proves she's all grown up, playing a free-spirited ballet dancer and the object of Natalie Portman's obsession (who can blame her?) —
V, Baccarin plays Anna, a secretly vicious alien queen who's trying to seduce all of humanity to the V ways. Humanity should take note: the queen's not much for pillow talk, unless you consider ''biting off your head to feed her young'' pillow talk. —
5. IAN SOMERHALDER (The Vampire Diaries)
Seeing the softer side of
EW.com's Sexy Beast this fall in season 2 has given Somerhalder a new way to smolder. —
Mandi Bierly
6. ROBERT PATTINSON (The Twilight Saga: Eclipse)
Yes, Edward's still dreamy enough to make a girl want to turn vampire to spend eternity with him, but honestly, we're never more drawn to Pattinson than when he's being himself, whether it's playfully arguing with Stewart on
the Eclipse DVD commentary or going door-to-door in Chicago inviting Twihards to a taping of
7. TAYLOR LAUTNER (The Twilight Saga: Eclipse)
What do we love most about Lautner, besides our
Taylor Lautner Bicep Watch? His youth. He chose to do
a major cover story interview at his local Olive Garden, and he's famous for killing time between set-ups
doing back flips and having people toss grapes into his mouth. —
8. JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE (The Social Network)
Genuine versatility is sexy, and with his performance in
The Social Network, J.T. proved he's an actor. And not just a singer who can promote a film by
rapping a history of hip-hop with Jimmy Fallon (which, truth be told, was pretty awesome).
Aside from blowing our minds by rocking red leather and a white boa in
Glee's ''Britney Spears'' episode, Morris is sweet, hilarious, and a killer dancer who steals every performance scene she's in. —
Michael Bruno
10. NICKI MINAJ (Pink Friday)
The reigning queen of hip-hop had a huge year, thanks in large part to her huge... personality. —
11. RIHANNA (Loud)
Not everyone appreciates the red dye job Rihanna got during her chart-topping 2010 (''Only Girl,'' ''What's My Name,'' and ''Love the Way You Lie,'' her duet with Eminem, all hit No. 1). But love it or hate it, truth is she could go Kojak chrome dome and still be ridiculously gorgeous. —
12. TOM HARDY (Inception)
With that piercing stare, those bee-stung lips, and that cat-like purr of a voice, Tom Hardy was a welcome oasis of poised, sexy cool in
Inception's exhilarating and head-squeezing dreamscapes. —
Adam B. Vary
13. JAMES FRANCO (127 Hours)
How do you like your sexy men? Intellectual? Charming and funny? Dangerous and kinda weird? Heroic and armless? James Franco's got all that covered. —
Yes, for much of the last season of
Lost, all Sawyer had to do was mourn the loss of his beloved Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell), darkly conspire with FLocke (Terry O'Quinn), and conveniently doff his shirt. But that was plenty enough sexy for us. —
15. BLAKE LIVELY (The Town)
She continues to steam up the small screen in
Gossip Girl, but Lively showed us she was all woman in
The Town, garnering positive reviews for her role as Ben Affleck's troubled ex-girlfriend. Who knew her talent could be as stunning as Serena's wardrobe? —
Kate Ward
16. RYAN REYNOLDS (Buried)
Yes, we're still thinking about that naked scene from 2009's
The Proposal. But this year, the actor also showed his acting chops in the claustrophobic
Buried, proving there's nothing sexier than talent. Oh, and it doesn't hurt that he's a single man now. —
17. JAKE GYLLENHAAL (Love & Other Drugs)
He might have won accolades for his Golden Globe-nominated performance in
Love & Other Drugs, but we couldn't help but be distracted by his, ahem, other assets in the film. Hey, after seeing
our cover of him and co-star Anne Hathaway, can you blame us? —
18. EVA MENDES (The Other Guys)
The Other Guys might have centered on dudes Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg, but our attention was diverted by the film's other girl: The hilarious Eva Mendes, who managed to look smoldering throughout the whole film... even when dressed like a grandma. No wonder Ferrell's Allen wanted to ''do'' her ''grandpa-style.'' —
19. CONNIE BRITTON (Friday Night Lights)
Britton's twang and luxurious red locks have become Texas treasures, so it's just as well her Tami is no longer a high school principal. Teenage boys are supposed to dread being sent to the headmaster's office. —
Jeff Labrecque
20. SOFIA VERGARA (Modern Family)
The Colombia-born beauty rocks
Modern Family every Wednesday night, but it's not necessarily her comic timing that leaves her male viewers slack-jawed like Phil Dunphy. —
21. KATY PERRY (Teenage Dream)
''Too sexy for Sesame Street'' sounds like faint praise, but the doe-eyed chanteuse wowed more people than just Elmo with her angelic hotness. —
She was a jewel on the short-lived
Skin (2003) and she oozes intelligent sexuality on
House, but her otherworldly beauty has never been more at home than in
TRON: Legacy. —
He sings, he dances, he takes the Internet by storm, he melts Kurt's heart on
Glee — is there nothing the multitalented dude can't do? —
Margaret Lyons
24. DRAKE (Thank Me Later)
A number-one album, stunning live performances, and a few smokin' hot videos — we're not going to thank you later, Drake. We're going to thank you right now. —
25. Maggie Q (Nikita)
Part action star, part heartthrob, Maggie Q's
Nikita more than breathed fresh life into the franchise. —
26. ISAIAH MUSTAFA (Old Spice commercial)
Old Spice, it's easy to make people
smell like Isaiah Mustafa. Can we start working on getting people to
look like him? —
27. DEBORAH ANN WOLL (True Blood)
On a show as sexually charged as
True Blood is, it can be tough to stand out. Unless you're Deborah Ann Woll, whose innocent(ish) redheaded babyvamp Jessica steals the show, week after week. —
28. MEHCAD BROOKS (My Generation)
Mehcad Brooks was one of the only bright spots on the short-lived
My Generation, and if his supporting role in
Just Wright is any indication, he's got big things on the horizon. —
29. JON HAMM (Mad Men)
Seriously, you want us to write out what makes Jon Hamm one of the sexiest stars of the year? Dude. It's Jon freakin' Hamm. —
30. EMMA STONE (Easy A)
She's funny, she's bubbly, she's (about to be) Gwen Stacy, fer crying out loud. Emma Stone, you've more than earned your easy A. —